Sunday 7 June 2015

Bladder Cancer - Cause

Bladder Cancer - Cause

The cause of bladder cancer is not known. Changes in the genetic material (DNA) of bladder cells may play a role. Chemicals in the environment and cigarette smoking also may play a role. And when the lining of the bladder is irritated for a long time, cell changes that lead to cancer may occur. Some things that cause this are radiation treatment, having catheters in place for a long time, or having the parasite that causes schistosomiasis.Bladder cancer is twice as likely to develop in smokers than in nonsmokers. Experts believe that smoking causes about half of all bladder cancers in men and women.Exposure to chemicals and other substances at work—including dyes, paints, leather dust, and others—may also cause bladder cancer

Whats Is Bladder Cancer?

Whats Is Bladder Cancer?

Bladder cancer is the rapid, uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the bladder. Cancer usually begins in the lining of the bladder. The cancerous cells may spread through the lining into the muscular wall of the bladder.Invasive bladder cancer may spread to lymph nodes, other organs in the pelvis (causing problems with kidney and bowel function), or other organs in the body, such as the liver and lungs.Most bladder cancer is found early, before it has spread into the bladder wall. Surgery can usually remove these tumors. But bladder cancer often comes back, so you may also get other treatments, such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy, to lower the chances of that happening.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Mind And Body Fitness For Lifelong Good Health

Mind and Body Fitness for Lifelong Good Health

Mind and body fitness? Many people who want to get into shape don't realize there is more to fitness than well-toned muscles. There's no shortage of exercise regimes that just promote the perfection of the body, or the idea of fitness as a part of a weight loss plan.

Centuries ago, Western culture lost its focus on the interconnectedness between the body and the mind or spirit, and how each has the power to affect the other. Cultivating a love of movement can help you get beyond the concept of physical fitness as separate from mental fitness – and toward a lifelong program of good health through mind and body fitness.

Whether you choose yoga or another form of movement for exercise, remember that our bodies are made to move to feel good. So when you incorporate regular activity in your life, you’re moving closer to overall mind and body fitness. But if you are overweight, this can be more difficult. You can improve your mind-body connection for better mind and body fitness – it’s just important to choose realistic fitness options.

You might consider redefining exercise as any activity that unites your mind and body and reduces your stress level. In fact, high levels of stress have been linked to weight gain, and certainly can lead to emotional eating. Finding activities that are both enjoyable and easy to do is important when developing any type of exercise plan.

It's important to be realistic about what we expect from ourselves. Consider your goals. Is 30 to 60 minutes on a treadmill a reasonable time frame at this point in your life? Are you setting yourself up for failure or success when you create this expectation for yourself? Would it be more enjoyable to you to do some stretching and a shorter period of time on the treadmill?

Developing an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and your desires is critical. Surprisingly, long-term weight loss is linked more closely to whether a person sticks to their fitness routine than to what that routine actually consists of. A routine that is gentle and pleasurable is more likely to lead to the long-term gains you are seeking.
All-or-nothing thinking about exercise leads us to first bite off more than we can chew and then give up all together. Just walk into a gym in the month of January and try to get on a Stairmaster. There's a good chance you'll have to wait in line. But by March or April, there are usually plenty of free machines.

It is also important to tailor your fitness goals to your preferences. Some people like the idea of getting out of the house in the evening and going to the gym. Others prefer staying home and doing a quieter exercise routine after the demands of a stressful day. Either approach, or a combination of the two, can result in improved mind and body fitness.

What is critical is for you to come to know yourself and to take yourself seriously. If you like to be home in the evenings, find things to do in your home or consider an occasional walk with friends or family. If you crave the company of others, head for the gym. Think about what would please you most, and follow your inner voice.

Many people who are preoccupied with food and body issues tend to pay too much attention to the needs of others, while paying too little attention to their own needs. While you may intend to benefit your children with their countless activities, the added stress can cause an imbalance within your family. Can you take a look at your schedule (or your family's) and reschedule some time for yourself? What would it be like to say no?

Long-term weight loss can take time. And we can get demoralized when we don't see immediate results. But remember that maintaining an exercise routine is associated with physical as well as mental well-being. Where has our focus on the numbers on our scale gotten us? Some would say it has taken us to more harsh thoughts, more bingeing and grazing on food, and, ironically, less fitness rather than more.

It may be that the best exercise you can do right now is to throw your scale into the garbage. Focus on how you're feeling with your exercise routine. Is it something you enjoy and can maintain? Is it reducing your stress level and allowing a connection between your mind and body? If so, you'll probably keep it up, and fitness of mind and body and spirit will be yours.
Don't forget how important it is to see your physician before starting any type of exercise routine, and to following his or her recommendations. So try to be gentle with yourself and realistic about how to proceed.

There is tremendous confusion in our society about how to approach health and fitness. You may have tried losing weight before and failed. But consider the possibility that we as a society have not failed at dieting and weight loss. Rather, dieting has failed us as an effective tool for fitness.

Remember that fitness of mind and body belong together, and that exercise is very narrowly defined in our society. So redefine exercise as any activity that reduces stress and connects your mind and body. You'll be more likely to continue your exercise plan and achieve the outcome you're looking for.

Friday 5 June 2015

Types of Heart Attacks

n the movies, when someone has a heart attack, that person clutches his chest or arm and falls to the ground. Some people have exactly that experience. But it’s also important to know that

Not all heart attacks have the same symptoms or severity, and
Heart disease is the number one cause of death for women as well as men.
If you’ve had a heart attack, you know firsthand that Hollywood misses a lot of the details, including the hard physical and emotional work it takes to recover afterward.

Ultimately, the seriousness of the heart attack is judged by the amount of heart muscle that is permanently damaged. Your cardiologist will assess this damage through use of echocardiography, which is an ultrasound of the heart. Treatment of a heart attack will depend on the type and severity of the heart attack.

Several types of heart attacks are discussed below, as well as non-heart-related sources of chest pain. Remember, if you are experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, dial 911. Just because heartburn, for example, can produce some of the same symptoms doesn’t mean you should assume it is the less serious cause rather than the more serious condition. Every minute you delay if it is a heart attack could result in permanent heart muscle damage or increased risk of death.

STEMI Heart Attacks
An ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a serious form of heart attack in which a coronary artery is completely blocked and a large part of the heart muscle is unable to receive blood. “ST segment elevation” refers to a pattern that shows up on an electrocardiogram (EKG).

This type of heart attack requires immediate, emergency revascularization which restores blood flow through the artery. This revascularization is achieved either with drugs in the form of thrombolytics (clot busters), which are given intravenously, or mechanically with angioplasty – a treatment using thin, flexible tubes called catheters to open the closed artery.

These catheters are positioned at the beginning of the coronary arteries (the arteries of the heart), and contrast dye is injected through them to enable the interventional cardiologist to gather images of any blockage in the coronary arteries. Very thin wires (guidewires) are then advanced beyond the blockage and the clot is sucked out and/or a small balloon is opened to push the blockage out of the way. A stent– a metal, mesh tube – is often inserted at the same time to permanently prop the cleared artery open to allow blood to flow through.

NSTEMI Heart Attacks
A non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) is a type of heart attack that does not show a change in the ST segment elevation on an electrocardiogram and that results in less damage to the patient’s heart. However, these patients will test positively for a protein called troponin in their blood that is released from the heart muscle when it is damaged. In NSTEMI heart attacks, it is likely that any coronary artery blockages are partial or temporary.

Treatment for an NSTEMI heart attack consists of medication and evaluation for whether a blockage is present that should be treated with medication only, cleared through angioplasty or treated with cardiac bypass graft surgery.

Coronary Artery Spasm
A coronary artery spasm is when the artery wall tightens and blood flow through the artery is restricted – potentially leading to chest pain, or blood flow is cut off all together – causing a heart attack. Coronary artery spasm comes and goes. Because there may not be a build-up of plaque or a blood clot in the artery, a coronary artery spasm may not be discovered by an imaging test called an angiogram that is typically performed to check arteries for blockages.

Treatment for a coronary artery spasm consists of medications such as nitrates and calcium channel blockers.

Demand Ischemia
Demand ischemia is another type of heart attack for which blockages in the arteries may not be present. It occurs when a patient’s heart needs more oxygen than is available in the body’s supply. It may occur in patients with infection, anemia, or tachyarrhythmias (abnormally fast heart rates). Blood tests will show the presence of enzymes that indicate damage to the heart muscle.

Cardiac Arrest (not a heart attack)
In cardiac arrest, a person’s heart stops beating. Cardiac arrest is not the same thing as a heart attack, but it is worth discussing alongside heart attack. Cardiac arrest can occur due to a heart attack, but cardiac arrest can also occur as a primary event. In other words, cardiac arrest can also occur for other reasons besides a blockage in the artery. These other reasons include electrolyte disturbances, such as low or high potassium or low magnesium, congenital abnormalities, or poor pumping function of the heart.

In a heart attack, a person’s heart keeps beating. A heart attack can cause life-threatening arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms), like ventricular tachycardia (VT) or ventricular fibrillation (VF). These arrhythmias result in cardiac arrest within a few minutes because the heart is not pumping blood to the lungs to pick up vital oxygen that circulates back to the heart and to the body.

Seconds count in treating both heart attack and cardiac arrest. With cardiac arrest, the odds of survival go down by about 10 percent for every minute until the person is resuscitated. After 10 minutes the risk of permanent brain injury is very high.

Initial treatment will consist of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation – delivery of an electrical shock to restore the heart’s rhythm. For people who are resuscitated and have a heartbeat but do not regain consciousness, hypothermia protocols are sometimes used, where the body is cooled for 24 hours then gradually warmed. This has been shown to improve the odds of a good neurological outcome for those patients.