Saturday 24 May 2014

Diagnosing Brain Cancer

Common name for brain cancer is brain tumor. It has two main types, primary brain tumor and metastatic brain tumor. First one starts in the brain while the second type develops in other parts of the body and then moves towards the brain. These tumors can be benign having no cancer cells or malignant having cancer cells that grow quickly.

Any brain tumor is serious and life threatening. This is because of the activity of the tumor in the small cavity. The severity of the threat depends on the type of tumor, location, size and its state of development. Early detection of brain tumor is only possible through diagnostic tools, which are directed at the inter-cranial cavity. This is because the brain is already protected by the skull. Usually it is detected at later stages when it has spread to considerable size and place and unexplained and unexpected symptoms appear.
Symptoms of brain tumors depend on two factors, its size and location. The time at which the symptoms appear and are noticed by the person or by others, when it is visible externally, is very important in diagnosing the type, stage and treatment of tumor. Some of the common symptoms of brain tumor are headaches, which is worse in the morning time. Vomiting, decrease in ability to talk, hear or see, problems in balancing the body while walking or standing, memory loss, problem in thinking or numbness in arms and legs are also included in the symptoms for this type of cancer.

Most part of the brain is separated from the blood by the blood brain barrier. A disruption in this barrier will be identified by certain test. The diagnosis will start with a detailed interrogation of the patient to understand his current situation when suffering from the disease. A neurologic exam and tests including MRI, CT Scan and biopsy are done by the doctors to diagnose brain tumors. Different treatment options are available for people suffering from brain tumor. These options include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The treatment depends on the type and stage of the disease. Most people have to undergo a combination of different treatments.

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