Tuesday 16 September 2014

Causes of type 1 diabetes

The main reason of development of type 1 diabetes is the malfunctioning of the body’s immune system that destroys the beta cells of the pancreas which are called islet tissues. These cells produce insulin which controls the sugar level in the blood. In the absence of insulin, body is unable to control the level of sugar in the blood. Pancreas is able to adjust the amount of sugar in the blood by adjusting the production of insulin. When your pancreas is unable to produce insulin, that would be injected from an external source. The injected insulin would not be able to control blood sugar level as good as the pancreas does. This would result in a high or low bloodsugar level at any time.
The main reason for high blood sugar level include:
·         Lack of insulin in the body
·         Eating more food that what is required by the body
·         Stress and sickness or having some other infection specially with lack of food and water
·         Taking medicines for sleep and decongestants. These medicines the sugar level in the blood
·         The dawn phenomenon in which the blood sugar level rises in the morning
·         Body growth resulting in adolescence which is actually the result of hormone production
·         pregnancy.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is the condition when a person is not aware of his blood sugar level before it goes wrong. Body cells are unable to get energy from sugar because insulin is not available to take energy out of the glucose molecules. In this situation, the body starts breaking down fats and proteins of the body.
The main reasons of low blood sugar in the body include:
·         Taking more insulin than what is required by the body
·         Skipping meals when needed or delaying it
·         Doing more exercise than what is required for the body and not having enough food as is required with that exercise after doing that
·         Drinking excessive alcohol and that too with empty stomach
·         Taking medicines that affect the blood sugar level in the body
·         Start of the menstrual period also results in low blood sugar level
Tgs: Type 1 diabetes causes

Causes of type 1 diabetes

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