Monday 15 September 2014

Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes develop within a shorter time ranging from a few day to weeks. The main reason is high blood pressure. These symptoms may be ignored at the start or mistaken for some other illness like flu.
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes resulting from high sugar level include
·         More urine at night. The reason for this is that kidneys are trying to get rid of excess sugar in the blood. They do this be getting rid of more water which result in excessive urine.
·         Weight loss – when you urinate excessively, you lose much of the body sugar through urine. The body does not retain enough sugar to get energy out of it as most if the sugar is released through urine. This results in body weight loss.
·         You often feel hungry because most of the energy providing sugar is not being utilized properly and is wasted through urine.
·         If sugar accumulates at the lens of your eye, the extra water from the eye is sucked. This contributes to changing the shape of the lens. As a result, the vision is blurred.
·         You feel tired very quickly because you are not getting enough energy to perform your activities. Not all the calories you take are utilized, as they need to be. As a result, you get tired even after a minor physical activity.
acidosis include flushed, dry skin, loss of appetite, belly pain and vomiting. A fruity breath odor also develops accompanied by rapid and deep breathing. Other symptoms include a condition of restlessness, drowsiness, difficulty in waking up, confusion. You lose interest in routine activities of life.  
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes that results from low sugar level in the blood include:
·         Sweating occurs repeatedly.
·         The body starts shaking.
·         You feel weakness.
·         You often feel hungry.
·         You are often confused while performing daily activities.
If you are not aware whether your blood sugar level is low, high or normal, that is a good time to have it checked. You need to check it on regular basis to be aware. This way you will be able to take remedial measures accordingly.

Tags: Type 1 diabetes,Symptoms of type,Type 1 diabetes symptoms

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